A number of organisations are currently adopting
Open Source practices and products, and for a number of reasons. One
motivation is a perception, often backed by experience, of benefits in
terms of quality. Reasons for adoption tend to be pragmatic, and today
we find Open Source being used in a number of different organisational
It is apparent that there are a number of Open Source success
stories, with products widely adopted in commercial and public sector
organisations. The collaborative development model of Open Source brings
with it new ways of working which organisations need to adapt to. There
is need for further research on a number of issues related to the
adoption of Open Source practices and products. For example, adoption of
Open Source typically brings with it a need for inter-organisational
interaction between individuals and stakeholders from differing
In this track we solicit contributions, in terms of
rigorous research on Open Source adoption and quality, as well as
practical experience reports.
Submissions are invited for original research papers and proposals for
tutorials, workshops, panels, or demonstrations. The official language of the
conference is English.
Full papers should be between 3000-4000 words including references, following
the template provided in the Author's Kit section. Each submission must include
a cover page with the full title of the paper and the names of all authors. The
body of the paper should include title, abstract, list of keywords and a
complete list of references.
Accepted papers will appear in the conference proceedings. All
submissions should be submitted electronically in either
.odt (OpenOffice.org), .rtf, .doc, .pdf or LATEX format through the
track submissions system.
January 3rd, 2008 | Extended Submission of Research Papers |
February 22nd, 2008 | Results to Authors |
April 3rd, 2008 | Camera Ready due |
7-10 September 2008 | OSS2008 Conference in Milan |
Available talks' slides has been published.
Errata Corrige: the poster list has been upodated.
Ernesto Damiani's new Keynote: Trends in Open Source Assurance.
TOSS 2008 workshop has been canceled.
Conference Program has been changed.
Joint Invited Talk: Francesco Pizzetti, President of the Italian Data Protection Authority.
Web site published.